The start of a new beginning

Life. What is life? Life is an everchanging, slow but fast constant moving unstoppable force. Life has its ups and downs. One day you’re at the peak of your mountain without any worries in the world, the next you’re toppling down the same mountain that took you so long to climb up. Sometimes you wonder why. Why am I even climbing up this mountain to begin with? Everybody goes through these same things. Same thoughts, same happiness, same sadness. Life is something that we all experience together yet so separate. Life is contradiction. We live in a world where we all breath the same air, all come from the same beginning but walk down such different paths. My path has lead me to writing this blog and your path has lead you to me. I’m glad we could me at the same crossroad. Within each sentence lives its own life. Writing is like life. Every time you start a sentence it is a new beginning for change to happen. Each sentence is like a day. Every word is like a second. All adding up to compound into one big story. Whether that story is interesting or boring you decide. Every moment in time can be romanticized, dramatized or glamorized all depending on how you write it. Life is perspective. Some people see the peak of the same mountain and think of it as an exciting quest to conquer. Others may see it and think about how long and difficult it would be to reach there or how scary it would be to fall down.